Success Stories

Uplifting people, places and pursuits with freedom, peace and joy



“He sits with you in your darkness, and shows you your own light.”

"I met Mark Kerwin at A-fest Jordan this year. In the short amount of time I’ve known him, I’ve seen him touch and profoundly impact many souls, including my own. He is an incredible healer with his capacity to hold space, to make others around him feel seen and heard, to not just give or receive love, but to truly share love, to embody and BE love. It was this presence of his that allowed me to share emotional pain with him that I’ve never shared with anyone else. Mark’s wisdom allowed me to see the ways in which I was still self-punishing and holding onto guilt and shame for things beyond my control.  He sits with you in your darkness and shows you your own light. He truly has a unique gift of empowering people to open up and heal, of uplifting and elevating everyone around him. He has not only become my mentor/guru, but also a dear friend - someone I see as family. He is somebody whose purpose is to share his wisdom, his love, and his playfulness with the world."
Irene Oyang, M.A.
Mental Performance Specialist
Red Bull

Mark Helped Hundreds of People
To soar, sparkle and shine

"“Being" with Mark is a blessing. It feels like you are transported in a safe place where you can share authentically who you are without any worries. Mark creates a container where vulnerability turns into power.

Thank you Mark for your generous way of being, your active listening and support. I will always remember a powerful session we had. It’s marked as a pivotal moment. Truly grateful for you."

Francis Piché
Founder & CEO | Investor | Mindset Alchemist Resilience Global Media Inc.

"Mark coached me over several sessions in the areas of financial abundance, money and outer wealth. I have appreciated Mark’s expert knowledge, excellent strategies, and guidance. His teachings turned out very important to growing my business and opening up to and receiving more abundance in my life in general.

Mark was professional, personable, timely and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I found the desired results. Thank you, Mark! Keep up the great work!"

Steve Beattie
Breathing In Nature

“Mark and I completed certified Hypnotherapy training together, and he quickly integrated his acute comprehension of its accelerated healing ability into his own coaching practice. He has the upmost vast array of knowledge that stems several genres in Spirit Mind awareness, that he intrinsically weaves into his sessions. Mark helped me personally in private session around limiting alcohol use, and my estranged daughter relationship, and in a superior method that blends compassion and highly effective retention. Juicy Magik coaching builds wealth and health confidence for getting you to where you need to be to create your best life.”

Carolynn S Leaman
HoloBody Coach, HypnoTherapy, creator of EarthElements: Sound Therapy for Nature

“This is a brief letter to share my high regards for Mark who served as my money mentor, and prosperity pastor during the year of 2021. Mark and I had 4 sessions together, and in that short time, he mentored, coached and inspired me to transform the way I understand, approach, and experience my relationship with money. His approach was all at once practical, radical, outlandish, and common sense effective. 1 year later the concepts, ideas, and coaching that Mark gave me still are with me, some in the form of seeds, others, in buds, and flowers.”

Marcus Fung
drumadrumDRUM - drum circle facilitator, therapeutic music facilitator

“Mark Kerwin is a magical creature with a wonderful heart and a generous spirit. he brings genuine wonder, connection and intentionality to everything and everyone he touches.

I trust him implicitly and I champion his endeavors.”

Ivy Rose Marsh
LCSW, Psychedelic trauma therapist, somatic channel, energy worker

"My intention in working with Coach Mark Kerwin was to deepen my relationship with my Erotic Self, discover my own erotic blueprints, and overall continue on this path of erotic expansion that I have been on for a couple of years.In just a few months, I have had so much FUN exploring myself in new ways! My most important takeaway has been the ability to express my desires and myself as an erotic being with words and beyond. It has been such healing and important work for me.I love how Mark helps me see the parallels between my erotic self and other areas of my life. He truly is driven by love - inner and outer - and has this contagious excitement for living a JUICY LIFE.Thank you Coach! Only the beginning, baby!!"

Jenny Quénard
Nature, Breathwork & Ice Bath Retreat Creator, Wim Hof Method



“You push me in a positive way to think outside the box with challenges that arise through business and or personal growth.”

"Thank you so much for your outstanding life coaching experience. You have helped me with multiple goals that I second guessed myself in life and helped me bring them to reality. You have inspired me not only to step out of my comfort zone but to also gain the confidence to strive for more ambitious goals. With your life coaching skills you have broken down barriers that I have faced, and organized my thoughts to better achieve my life goals short term and long term. You push me in a positive way to think outside the box with challenges that arise through business and or personal growth. By doing so it allows me to understand my strengths and weakness in different perspectives to engage out of my comfort zone to be fearless in my decisions. The best thing that I loved about your coaching was that you were honest and straight forward which guided me into productive outstanding results. Knowing that my Life Coach is fearless, ambitious , courageous and inspiring makes the experience fulfilling. I would recommend anyone to Mark because he is consistent, reliable, punctual, and motivating which is why I chose him as a Life Coach. Try this Life Coach and it will change your life."
Zoe Layne
Vice President of Business Development
KLINK Coffee

Mark empowered Hundreds of People
To improve their financial freedom

"The trait that best stands out to me about Mark is his 'never give up' attitude - he will always look at alternative routes to achieving a goal if the path that was chosen first is blocked. That is an incredibly valuable asset in any sector, but especially in the charitable world where resources are limited. I saw him take on the challenging task of running KLINK Coffee with that same attitude, and as a member of the board of directors at that organization in 2017, I was constantly amazed at what he was able to achieve with very few resources at his disposal. He is an enthusiastic and positive individual to work with and be around, so he has the ability to lift a team and make them believe that anything is possible."

Naresh de Silva
Director, Integrated Marketing and Strategy at University of Toronto

"I had the opportunity to work with Mark through May-August as a Digital Media and Marketing student at KLINK Coffee. He is dedicated and perseverant in building an exceptional brand at all levels. Mark is extremely passionate and committed to every project he takes on. He is very understanding and open-minded, and lives the KLINK values. He accepts ideas from all employees and is willing to listen to reason and work with their ideas to align them with the business/marketing strategies. Overall, Mark was great to work with. Mark was an exceptional manager and an inspiring life coach, he has inspired me through his work and life experiences."

Nicole Teixeira
Project Manager

"Firstly, thank you again for being so great to work with, you’re making my clients dream come true with this house.


Your support has been invaluable."


"Mark is one of the most genuine and positive individuals I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He's a consummate account executive for some substantial companies, but what's really amazing, is his consistent positive energy and contributions. Mark has been a major factor for building our company's great culture, something he is so passionate. He set out on a mission to make our entire office healthier, fun and ultimately more productive; I would say he's done a wonderful job. Mark has really inspired so many at FLS and is loved by us all. He is truly an amazing person."

David M.
Managing Director
Xavier Capital Ventures

"Mark is a dynamic and detail-oriented professional who brings an unwavering passion to the workplace and the people around him. I have had the opportunity to work with him in a charitable capacity with Team Diabetes and his commitment to inspiring change and making a meaningful difference is truly special. Hard working, patient, wise, and incredibly reliable, Mark is the personification of a community builder and a community leader. He embraces challenges with an innate creativity and has established himself as one of the most beloved friends of our program."

Michael Jacoby
Senior Policy Advisor
Ontario Ministry of Transportation

“I’m gonna follow your words Mark and work with you on gettting a house and home.

You’re a visionary.

You’re one of those great minds I’ve met.”

Vishal Jayaraj
The Monochromist

"Mark has a wonderful and infectious positive outlook that brings a smile to everyone's face when ever he enters the room.

His energy and passion are palpable, which makes him a pleasure to work with. I would jump at the opportunity to work with Mark in the future, no matter what the endeavour."

Keith Gordon, MBA
Real Estate Investor & Coach, Audio Engineer, Innovative Leader, Educator & Entrepreneur
Peerless Real Estate Investments and Keith Gordon Productions and

"Since meeting Mark, I have been amazed with his commitment and drive to support those in his community. Mark makes everyone feel like they are part of a team and that their contribution is valuable to the end goal. Mark is not only reaching the $100k level in his voluntary fundraising in support of people living with Diabetes he also:
• Educates people about the risks of diabetes.
• Leads by example when planning, organizing, volunteering or training for an event by leading and encouraging others to adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle.
• Is a trusted alumni always willing to support and share best practices in order for others to realize their success.
His passion and energetic personality is what draws people to him. Mark will always bring incredible energy and passion where ever he goes."

Donna Dowsett
Director, Signature and Third Party Events
Diabetes Canada

"Mark hired our agency to rebuild the KLINK Coffee website and online store.

Through these projects, I have come to know and hugely respect Mark for his vision, strategy, professionalism, and most especially his decency and integrity. In addition to his business acumen, Mark is a genuine humanitarian and I have come to greatly admire his work as the Brand Ambassador for Nutarniq."

Julian Smit
Founder, Senior Editor Founder, Senior Editor



“Mark inspires. He puts in the work and encourages others to do the same - and he takes joy in it!”

"I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Kerwin at the commencement of my employment at the Canadian Diabetes Association. His passion for life spilled into his exceptional enthusiasm for the Team Diabetes program and supporting the Canadian Diabetes Association as a whole.
When speaking with Mark, even during our initial meeting, it was obvious that his dedication to the cause ran deeper than an interest in travel and personal fitness – two pursuits that he thoroughly loves. Mark’s concern was also about spreading awareness about the disease, supporting others living with both type one and type two diabetes as well as raising funds to find a cure and fund critical and lifesaving research.
Mark has been able to use his natural abilities to connect with individuals of all backgrounds and ages and inspire them to work towards goals that even they may not have thought they could reach. Mark inspires. He puts in the work and encourages others to do the same- and he takes joy in it!
Although Mark has raised $25,000, which is exceptional in and of itself, he has contributed so much more to our team. He has spoken at Celebration and Information Nights, spoken with those who needed support in raising funds or were looking to learn more about the program in addition to participating in four international events and counting with the unyielding energy he has become known for.
Mark is a person who works hard and plays hard, without any expectation of recognition; however, excellence should be recognized!"

Ella Craig
Coordinator, Team Diabetes
Canadian Diabetes Association

Thrive in all-ways
Start your new journey now

Live in your treasure and sprinkle the world with vivid colour.
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