FindYour shine
Live and be fully absorbed in the essence of your own bespoke MagiK dream.
Come back home to a place you already are in all-ways.
Vision and Mission ofJuicy MagiK
Unleashing MagiKAbout Us
Combining the most elegant, beautiful and timeless aspects of inner and outer wealth in all ways provides Maria and Mark an ongoing way to joyfully share their life pilgrimage devoted to sacred spaces, pursuits and people with the ever-expanding Juicy MagiK community and affiliated temples of light and love.
We invite you to share and grow with us and move closer to your own unique eternal self and pathway back to Godhead. Thank you for your time, energy and being. We wish you the very best that life has to offer.
Our JourneyHow we got here
Mark's path
Maria's path
Unleashing More MagiKTouching Lives
We've touched thousands of people through our travels and offerings and come into harmony with our fundamental core artistry, ministry and coaching.
We've been able to launch our lifestyle brand, podcast, events and community without incurring any debt or need for inflows of money by building on a base that is free from need.
We've paired down and stripped down to the bare essentials but still surrounded by abundance in all-ways - not following society, cultural or external lifestyle imprints and getting to the real core golden prints of our true wealth allows us to shine and sparkle every day. Finding out how fun it can be to adventure and quest all over the planet while feeling at home wherever we are, whenever it is and with whoever we are with.
Trust and be at easeConfident to be yourself
Being perfectly at ease and confident whether with Kings or Paupers, in palaces or shantytowns, the complete or the broken, our energy tithing methods ensure we give and grow at all stages of life. Unlocking the secrets of sacred entheogens within the proper individual and community context make these tools readily available right now right here for anyone beginner or expert.
Strong advocates for true freedom, peace and joy - we encourage all to tear away veils, falsities and boundaries that keep us in ignorance and hinder the development of true living in harmony with the truth. Living how we are uninhibited, brave and grounded encourages everyone to do the same beyond culture, faiths and temporary identities, and have to's.
It's time to let go of the past and build something new and a path to walk upon with strong foundations and support pillars. If you are ready to enter fully into the Aquarian Age and be an island of light and a beacon and lighthouse for all those still bound by darkness, ignorance and belief systems, then Juicy MagiK is for you.
If you are ready to accept it's possible to escape deep patterns and beliefs that have held you back and step fully into your true dynamic self, then Juicy MagiK is for you.
When you are ready to embrance your PAWS (Primal Authentic Wild Self), uncover who you really are and then live magnificently in the MAW (MagiK, Awe and Wonder), then Juicy MagiK is for you.
Thrive in all-waysStart your new journey now
Inner and outer wealth Evolution
Thriving with a chronic condition
Personalized Hypnotherapy
Erotic Freedom
Awakening with Bitcoin
Bitcoin Freedom
Realtor and Real Estate Coaching
How to be 5B in life, love and business
Connect toyourself and all that is
Calm and at peace
Creating True Freedom
Tapping into Cosmic Consciousness
Be at home wherever you are
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